Syrian Latakia Tobacco

Syrian Latakia tobacco nestled within an antiquated tobacco tinThe saga of Syrian Latakia tobacco, a blend that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of tobacco enthusiasts’ preferences across the globe, is steeped in a rich and compelling history. Originating from the prominent port city of Latakia in Syria, this dark, opulent tobacco distinguishes itself through a distinctive curing process. Its smoky essence, a narrative of its intricate curing journey, wafts through the air, infusing every instance with a sense of mystery and exhilaration. Venturing into the heart of Latakia tobacco’s history, we uncover its roots, its ascent to worldwide acclaim, and its persistent allure that captivates aficionados everywhere.

The Cradle: Latakia, Syria

With its name derived from the significant port city of Latakia in Syria, the singular flavor and fragrance of this tobacco are indebted to its origin, where the local climatic conditions and soil composition have conspired to cultivate this unique variant of tobacco.

The Serendipitous Invention

Legend has it that the inception of Latakia tobacco was not a result of deliberate innovation but a fortuitous anomaly. An unexpected bounty led farmers to store excess tobacco in their dwellings’ rafters, where, over time, it imbibed the smoky essence from the hearth fires below, culminating in a tobacco endowed with a distinctively rich, smoky flavor and aroma.

Solar Desiccation and Smoke-Infusion

Latakia tobacco’s singularity is further cemented by its uncommon curing methodology. Following harvest, the leaves bask under the sun, drying. Subsequently, they undergo a smoke-infusion phase for a duration spanning 13 to 15 weeks, a process that imbues them with an enhanced flavor profile.

The Essence of Aromatic Woods and Herbs

The smoke-infusion process leverages the controlled combustion of aromatic woods and herbs, bestowing the tobacco with a distinct smoky, slightly tangy flavor profile.

Flavor and Fragrance

The flavor and aroma profile of Syrian Latakia tobacco is nuanced, featuring mild, floral, and spiced notes, with undercurrents of wood smoke and a tartness reminiscent of fine wine. Its smoky charm fills the air, weaving an atmosphere laden with intrigue and pleasure.

Blending Roles

Within tobacco blends, Syrian Latakia typically constitutes less than 15% of the mixture, as per blend masters’ recommendations. It’s noted that its smoky sharpness and tangy zest become increasingly pronounced at concentrations exceeding 35%.

Migration to Cyprus

A confluence of factors, including political turmoil and environmental considerations, has necessitated the relocation of Latakia tobacco’s large-scale production from Syria to Cyprus.

Consequences of Political Turmoil

The ongoing political unrest in Syria has severely hampered the consistent cultivation of Latakia tobacco, compelling the industry to transport the leaf to Cyprus for processing.

The Rarity of Syrian Latakia

The geopolitical shifts and disturbances have rendered Syrian Latakia a rare commodity. Presently, the vast majority, or 99%, of Latakia utilized in blends is of Cyprian origin.

The Ascendancy of Cyprian Latakia

Despite the scarcity of its Syrian counterpart, the demand for Latakia tobacco remains robust. To satisfy this demand, Cyprian Latakia, sourced from a different tobacco variety and possessing a slightly divergent flavor profile, has emerged as the predominant choice.

The Influence on Tobacco Craftsmanship

Imbued with a legacy that transcends the mere cultivation of leaves, Syrian Latakia tobacco stands as a testament to the artisanal spirit and the meticulous processes that define the zenith of tobacco craftsmanship. Its distinctive curing method, coupled with a flavor profile that both intrigues and delights, has elevated standards across the tobacco landscape.

The Enduring Allure

Amidst the ebb and flow of challenges, from geopolitical strife to shifts in cultivation practices, the essence of Syrian Latakia tobacco remains unassailable. Its rich, smoky bouquet continues to ensnare the senses of connoisseurs across the globe, a beacon of complexity and tradition.

What is the history of Syrian Latakia tobacco?

Emerging from the sun-drenched soils of Syria, near the storied port city of Latakia, this tobacco variety’s journey from accidental discovery to cherished blend reads like a narrative steeped in serendipity and innovation. Farmers, faced with a surplus, unwittingly birthed a flavor revolution by storing tobacco in their smoke-filled homes. This felicitous interaction between smoke and leaf birthed the unmistakable smoky essence of Latakia tobacco.

Grown from the unique terroir of the Syrian landscape, including the revered “Shekk-el-Bint” leaf, Latakia tobacco undergoes a transformation in smoke-cured barns, where it is caressed by the vapors of aromatic woods and herbs, acquiring its signature flavor profile.

Its tasting notes, reminiscent of mild, spiced woodsmoke with an undercurrent of tartness akin to a robust wine, make Syrian Latakia a subtle yet profound addition to blends, where it is treasured in measures no greater than 15% to preserve its distinct character.

Yet, the tempests of time, marked by political upheaval and environmental considerations, have ushered the bulk of Latakia production to the shores of Cyprus, leaving a legacy tinged with nostalgia for its Syrian origins.

What is the process of producing Syrian Latakia tobacco?

  1. Harvesting: The journey begins with the cultivation of “Shekk-el-Bint,” a tobacco leaf ensconced in the history and geography of Syria, chosen for its inherent qualities suited to Latakia production.
  2. Sun-Drying: Post-harvest, the leaves are serenaded by the sun, laying the foundation of their flavor through a delicate drying process.
  3. Smoke-Curing: Transitioning into the embrace of smoke, the leaves are then subjected to a meticulous fumigation over aromatic woods and herbs, a dance of fire and flora that imprints upon them their characteristic smoky essence.
  4. Fumigation: This step, a symphony of controlled combustion, marries the leaf to the essence of pine, oak, and an ensemble of herbs, crafting the soul of Latakia tobacco.
  5. Moisture Adjustment: A careful calibration of moisture follows, priming the tobacco for its final destiny.
  6. Final Processing: The culmination of this odyssey sees the tobacco prepared for blending, its leaves darkened, its aroma enriched, ready to impart its legacy upon the world.

What are the different types of Syrian Latakia tobacco?

The varietals of Syrian Latakia are not distinguished by leaf but rather by the nuanced differences in their smoke-curing odyssey, a journey defined by the choice of aromatic woods and herbs. Traditionally, “Shekk-el-Bint” serves as the canvas for this aromatic masterpiece.

Despite the cessation of its cultivation in its homeland, due to both environmental and political challenges, the spirit of Syrian Latakia perseveres in Cyprus. Its legacy, a melding of mild, floral, and spiced notes, crowned with the signature smoky tartness, continues to be a cherished component in tobacco blends, albeit in carefully measured whispers.


Embarking upon the enigmatic journey of Syrian Latakia tobacco unveils a rich tapestry woven with the threads of history, infused with distinctive flavors, and marked by an unwavering allure. Originating from the fertile lands of Syria, this tobacco variety has navigated through the tides of time, finding a new home in Cyprus, yet its essence remains undiluted, continuing to bewitch aficionados across the globe with its unmistakable, smoky allure.


In the annals of tobacco history, Syrian Latakia tobacco now teeters on the brink of extinction, its production having dwindled to a mere whisper over the past decade, stifled by the iron grip of governmental restrictions and the chaos of regional unrest. Yet, amidst these turbulent times, a glimmer of its legacy persists within Syria s borders, where tobacco fields still sprawl under the sun, none destined for the creation of Latakia, nor to grace foreign soils.


What is Syrian Latakia tobacco?

Emerging from Syria, Syrian Latakia tobacco is a testament to traditional craftsmanship, undergoing a sun-drenched, smoke-infused curing process that bestows upon it a distinctive flavor and aroma, reminiscent of ancient woods whispered with secrets.

How is Syrian Latakia tobacco produced?

Its creation is a ballet of nature and nurture; initially kissed by the sun, the leaves are then ensconced in barns, where they dance with smoke from fires fed by aromatic wood and herbs, culminating in a symphony of flavors.

What is the flavor profile of Syrian Latakia tobacco?

The essence of Syrian Latakia, mild yet profound, weaves notes of floral bouquets with spiced undertones, and a smoky, tart finish that echoes the complexity of wine.

Why is Syrian Latakia tobacco production limited?

The shadows of sociopolitical turmoil have enveloped Syria, entangling Latakia tobacco production in a web of governmental restrictions and unrest, throttling its once-flourishing existence.

How is Syrian Latakia tobacco used in tobacco blends?

In the realm of pipe tobaccos, particularly those of the venerable English variety, Syrian Latakia tobacco is a prized component, lending its unique character in measured whispers to the blend.


While tomes dedicated solely to the lore of Syrian Latakia tobacco are elusive, the seeker may find wisdom within the pages of broader works on tobacco and pipe smoking, offering glimpses into the mystique of this unique variety.

Sources of information:

Our journey through the narrative of Syrian Latakia tobacco has been illuminated by insights from Wikipedia, the chronicles of Fair Trade Tobacco, and the archives of Old Havana Cigar.


  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. Fair Trade Tobacco – The End of Syrian Latakia
  3. Old Havana Cigar – About Latakia Pipe Tobacco